
Find your workflow,

I can help you get started with your podcast, from setting up an RSS feed to finding the right microphone that works for you.

Let it shine,

I can help you get started with your podcast, from setting up an RSS feed to finding the right microphone that works for you.

Share it with the world!

I'll upload it to your chosen CMS, write shownotes (with chapter markers), share it on your social media, and make sure it sounds great everywhere.

Why should you choose me?

Look, honest time here. I, like many budding podcasters, mess up during podcast recordings on a regular basis. As such, I need to get it right in the edit, and that's where I truly shine. I've spent hundreds of hours listening to myself and my cohost talk, tweaking every minute detail.

If I can do that, I'm certain I can produce your show and make it sound even better. And not only help with the quality of the content, but I can also work on the form: level your audio, sync yours and your guests' tracks, deal with connection problems, clean up noise, remove echoes, insert your intro and outro music, splice in your sponsors' ads.

I got you. Just show up for the show and talk.